Wednesday, January 14, 2009

You must have ethics to succeed.(due Wednesday, January 14)

1. Were the questions on the Moral Sense Test difficult to answer (psychologically, emotionally, conceptually, technically, etc.)? Why or why not? Do you think your responses to the Moral Sense Test questions were consistent? Does this matter?

I think the answers on the MST were not hard they were general questions and there were only about making moral decisions. I thought that my answers to the test were consistence to the questions that were asked they were like answering a+b=c. The cause and the effect and the effect equal the outcome. Yes it do matter because if you could not complete a simple judgement like that you have poor judgement skills. There was not anything hard about the question it was a based upon care, morals, and values.
2. Should people always follow the law? Why or why not? When might one be justified in NOT following the law? Give examples.

I think you should always follow the law because the city or town my perish if everyone break the rules. Most of all, no one would have anything and obstruction would always play a role in the world today without laws. I don't think anything should be justified when it comes down to law because if one person gets a break from something, like a warning from a speeding citation everybody else should and that is not going to happen. (1) the police today are not fair with some judgement(2) today some people are not loyal.

3. In your own words, explain what "social convention" means. Give examples.
Social convention is a agreed upon rule or law that is set by a hierarchy.

For example the speeding limits which were agreed upon by the Department of Transportation and the laws were pass through the president of the company and sent to the govern, who then send them to the president enforce it as a national rule or law so everyone has to abide by it.
4. Should people always follow the conventions of their society? Why or why not? Give examples.

I think everyone should be include in the laws and rules of there society because the laws weren't passed individually the were passed in a whole so that no one was exclude. Also, the laws are place so that everyone a abides by them and there society will be protected. The law makes the foundation for the people to with stand there rights and moral values. For example when you rob some one that is a federal offense but when you commit the robbery with a gun that is a second federal offense and the law is in place to cast judgement and give you the Maxine or minion time for your actions. Without the law people are free to do what the live and no one has morals, values, principal or meaning to life.
5. Should people always follow their own principles? Why or why not? Give examples.

If you principles are good and it doesn't create peoples for the law or put others in danger I think that principles that you set are to be followed but if your principle go again the values of others and put others at risk for danger or some type of bodily harm then no I don't think that persons principles should be followed.
6. Explain in your own words the difference between socially acceptable, legally acceptable, and morally acceptable.

Socially Acceptable is when a group talks it over for you to be apart of there organization, business, or group. Legally acceptable is when the courts or some legal action has made legally acceptable towards a group, firm, or organization.
7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your answer.

I think that I deserve an 25 on this posting. I did my work, I used my own judgement and I think I did excellent with answering the questions to the best of my abilities.


  1. T-

    This looks awesome. Can you rename it Blog Assignment #2, though? Thanks!

    :) Karla

  2. This is blog assignment number 2
